Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sirolin syp

Immediately and positively relieve Bronchial Congestion and facilitates expectoration.
  • Reduces congestion of respiratory tract.
  • Relieves Broncho spasm.
  • Facilitates expectoration of secretion from bronchial air ways.
  • Provides soothing effect in respiratory tract and on to the irritated throat membrane.
  • Decreases microvascular permeability.
  • Enhances the mucociliary function.
  • Improves alveolar ventilation & helps to breathe easy.

Each 5ml. (teaspoonful) contains
Theophylline32 mg
Diphenhydramine8 mg
Ammonium Chloride30 mg
Menthol B.P0.98 mg

For an effective control of all cough associated with Nasal Allergy, Bronchial Spasm, Congestion, Asthmatic Cough, Bronchitis & Respiratory Tract Congestion.

1-2 teaspoonful or more.

7-12 years:1/2 - 1 teaspoonful
2-6 years:1/4 - 1/2 teaspoonful.
To be taken three times daily with meals or as advised by the physician.

Bottle of 120 ml.

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