Sunday, April 14, 2019

complex lysine syp

Vital Nutritional Supplement Lemon Flavour

Each teaspoonful (5ml) contains
Vitamin B14.16 mg1.4 mg
Vitamin B21.66 mg1.6 mg
Vitamin B61 mg1-2 mg
Vitamin B128.33 mcg1 mcg
Niacinamide18 mg10-18 mg
Ca-d Pantothenate2.5 mg10 mg
Vitamin C75 mg0.1-1 gm
Inositol5 mg-
Lysine-Monohydrochloride33.33 mg1.8 gm

Vitamin B1
Important role in carbohydrate metabolism. It is urgently required during pregnancy by infant for growth.

Vitamin B2
It's best known use is in Cheilitis.

Vitamin B6
It is effective against vomiting of pregnancy. It prevents certain side effects of antimicrobial therapy.
Vitamin B12
Involved in the formation of blood corpuscles, the nerve sheath & various proteins. It is an essential factor for growth.

It is used as a therapy for pellagra, dermatological diseases & mucosal involvement.

Ca-d Pantothenate
It is required for the growth of tissues, mucosa & hair. It is also involved in the reproduction, it is also used in burning feet syndrome.

Vitamin C
It participates in the synthesis & maintenance of tissues. It supports collagen formation & thereby maintains the elasticity of all connective tissues, Involved in the formation of bones, teeth & blood, improves iron absorption and needed for the synthesis of stress hormones.

It has lipotropic action.

1 teaspoonful 3 times daily

3-12 years: 1/2 teaspoonful 3 times daily.
Below 3 years: 1/4 teaspoonful 3 times daily.
To be taken preferably with meal or as prescribed by the physician.

Bottle of 120 ml.

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