Sunday, April 14, 2019

Ciprocam 250&500 cap

"Ciprofloxacin (ciprocam) has 2 to 4 fold greater antimicrobial potency than Norfloxacin and considerably greater activity than Cephalosporins and aminoglycosides against most Gram-negative bacilli."
Ref: (The use of antibiotics. 5th edition, 1998. Page-981.)

Rate of success
Respiratory tract infections93%
Skin and soft tissue infections97%
Urinary tract infections97%
Typhoid fever99%
Bacterial Diarrhoea100%
Travellers Diarrhoea100%
Ref: (The use of antibiotics. 5th edition, 1998. Page-981-1031.)

Each capsule contains 250 & 500mg ciprofloxacin.

Ciprocam (ciprofloxacin) is synthetic broad spectrum antibacterial agent. It is a fluoroquinolone antibacterial. Ciprocam has in-vitro activity against a wide range of gram negative and gram positive bacteria. Ciprofloxacin exerts its bactericidal action by interfering with the enzyme DNA gyrase which is essential for the synthesis of bacterial DNA.
Serum half life increases with the increasing dose suggesting the elimination of Ciprofloxacin is non linear. Doses of 250,500,750 & 1000mg in healthy volunteers result in maximum serum concentrations.
50 ot 75% is excreted unchanged by kidneys in healthy volunteers rest excretion through bile. The excretion and elimination depends upon potency, dose and the physio pathological condition of urinary excretory system. In all conditions excellent elimination half life is maintained according to dose.

Indications & Dosage
Usually 250mg-500mg twice daily for 5-10 days.

Respiratory Tract Infections
500 to 750mg daily in divided dosage for 3 to 7 days.
500mg b.d. for one week for severe cases.

Urinary Tract Infections
Uncomplicated U.T.I. single dose of 250mg.
Complicated U.T.I. 500mg b.d for 4 to 10 days.
Typhoid Fever
250mg b.d. for 7 to 14 days.
500mg b.d. for 7 days.
Resistance cases for other antibiotics can take longer time. 750mg b.d. for 2-4 weeks.

Single dose of 500mg.

Acute diarrhoea 250mg b.d. for 2 days.
Travellers diarrhoea 250mg b.d. for 2 days.

Chronic Diarrhoea
500mg b.d. for 5 days.

Contra Indications
Hypersensitive to Quinolone. Although in children,pregnancy and lactation it is not usually used but recommended studies suggest that in certain relapse conditions it has been successfully used with specified dosage scheme.

Patients should be advised to take adequate quantities of water during therapy. Preferable time of dosage is two hours after meals. However ciprofloxacin may be taken with or without meals. Convulsions have been reported in patients taking quinolones because they cause stimulation of CNS. All quinolones should be used with caution in patients with suspected CNS disorders.

Adverse Effects
Nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain/ discomfort, headache, restlessness and rashes have been reported with quinolone therapy but very rare with ciprofloxacin (Ciprocam).

Store in a cool dry and dark place between 10 to 15oC. Keep all medicine out of the reach of children.

Ciprocam (Ciprofloxacin) is available in capsules containing two strengths 250mg and 500mg in blister packing of 10 capsules.

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